Dibek - a nice, quaint restaurant in Goreme, Cappadocia
Our gracious host.
The people of Turkey were warm & beautiful. They would never put any unneccesary pressure to buy or cheat you and always welcomed you with a smile.
Rake (pronounced Raa-Khe) - the national alchoholic beverage of Turkey. Made from aniseed, is actually a clear liquid that turns white on adding water.
Sip Rake, Sip Water, Repeat!
Tam-Bram.Born in the Hindi Heartland.Brought up far away from Indian Shores.Then spent 4 years in a small village eating only Daal Roti(earned an IIT-degree in the process).Can't call any place home.Right now bored in Bang(alore).
Love: Mom's Cooking.Travelling.By-Two Filter Coffee.Rahul Bose.Apple Computers.....